Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day 7

I wanted to make sure people know I do, in fact smile. This was taken at dusk with a tripod and a remote shutter release. I love the way the light is coming through the fence posts in the background.

Today was a long day. Tomorrow is going to be a a long day as well. I have to go to Everett to sign a release to get medical records transferred to a new doctor. New medical insurance is a pain. I wasn't particularly attached to the old Dr. so this may be a good change.

On the business front, I need to get some ads out as soon as there is money to do so. The other business has some impending issues. The accountant keeps coming up with questions which seem to have obvious answers for me. It seems we are paying an awful large sum for me to have to do this much leg work. C'est la vie.

Day 6

Yesterday the wind howled and the clouds spit rain. Amid the gloom are the rhododendrons and azaleas blooming in my front yard. I took advantage of a brief respite in the rain for this photograph.

Over the next month I need to make a point of cleaning out the garage to set up my lights and backdrops. I also need to obtain a reflector stand in the interest of being able to manipulate ambient light without an assistant.

Day 5

The 25th we spent the morning at Lake Tye with the munchkin for the annual fishing derby. The little one caught her first fish. We were fortunate to have gorgeous weather that day. So far this spring is making up for the mild winter.

This photograph was taken later in the evening as we were helping TK move one more exit on I-5 away from Seattle. Yes, this is a traditional "cam-ho" pose but my resources were pretty limited and I needed to make sure I got something in for the day. On the upside, I really like how my eyes turned out.

Day 4

I was still feeling the after-effects of migraine on the 25th. The day was spent cleaning house and taking the munchkin to swimming lessons. By the end of the day I felt as washed out as this photo.

Day 3

Nothing on for the 23rd. There was too much miscellaneous other stuff going on and I didn't have a chance to even think about getting my camera.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 2

This was taken in my backyard two hours before sunset. I ran outside to take a quick picture before getting dinner on the table. One thing you can't see in this picture is the red lining my irises towards the center of my face. This translates to me having a migraine.

A migraine headache is unique in that it is caused by the blood vessels expanding. This is why caffeine can help a migraine; it constricts blood vessels. So this was quick and dirty. Now off to a quiet dark room for me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 1

Day 1 was quite difficult. I stood in front of the mirror thinking of all my imperfections. My glasses make it hard to see my eyes. My ears are crooked. My freckles are turning into age spots. I have crow's feet. My chin is too big. My forehead is too big. I need to lose weight. My eyebrows are getting bushy. I can go on forever.

So, I thought what do I like when I look in the mirror? Then the answer came to me. I love my hair. It has a natural curl to it which is brought out beautifully by the lazy humidity of the Pacific Northwest. It is long; most of the time my hair can be found in a bun held up with a pencil, a knitting needle, a crochet hook or, on very rare occasions, an actual hair stick.

My hair seemed as good a place to start as any other. Give me some time and i will eventually get around to the rest of my face.

365 days...

On a suggestion I decided to become one of many to take a self-portrait every day for the next 365 days. This is going to be difficult for me because like many others I do not like the way I look. Over the course of the past few years I have taken portraits for many women who do not fit the conventional defininition of beauty. These sessions have often resulted in some of my favorite photographs. So, off I start on this journey.

The meat of this project will be on this public blog with the occasional reference to other social media.