Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 1

Day 1 was quite difficult. I stood in front of the mirror thinking of all my imperfections. My glasses make it hard to see my eyes. My ears are crooked. My freckles are turning into age spots. I have crow's feet. My chin is too big. My forehead is too big. I need to lose weight. My eyebrows are getting bushy. I can go on forever.

So, I thought what do I like when I look in the mirror? Then the answer came to me. I love my hair. It has a natural curl to it which is brought out beautifully by the lazy humidity of the Pacific Northwest. It is long; most of the time my hair can be found in a bun held up with a pencil, a knitting needle, a crochet hook or, on very rare occasions, an actual hair stick.

My hair seemed as good a place to start as any other. Give me some time and i will eventually get around to the rest of my face.

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